For a long time now I've been meaning to buy a proper battery box for 'Yellow'. With all the extra gubbings under the bonnet there's no room for the battery, so it had been relegated to the boot area.
I'm using the car for an Autosolo on grass on the 21st and an insecure battery would result in a fail in scrutineering and refusal to enter. The original system of a baking tray and bungee strap was obviously not good enough, so a new battery box was fitted and the battery is now secure.
While the car was out I also replaced a leaking radiator hose and then took the car for a run. I was disappointed to find that despite recently changing the propshaft and a driveshaft, I have still have a vibration at over 70mph. I'll have to look at the other drive shaft to see if that's giving me the problem.
On a good point though, I did find that the clunking noise from underneath was gone. This must have been down to changing the gearbox mount last weekend.
The rain decided to pay a visit so with a quick final check over of the car, I decided to call it a day. I wont be doing over 70mph at the Autosolo anyway, so I'm not too worried about the vibration. The rain should also water the field nicely and make the conditions 'interesting' too. Watch this space for a full report!
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