Saturday 10 June 2023

Friday 9th June. A very long day!

 After pondering and discussing the issues with my car in the pub on Thursday night, we had decided to double check the metering unit timing this morning. It definitely feels like it's a fuel problem, so that seemed to be a good place to start. Under investigation, it look as though the metering unit timing was one tooth out, so it was adjusted to where it should be. 

We then went for a test drive and it drove a lot better. It's not 100%, but it's close. So at least we are making progress. To be honest, it's probably something that only a good rolling road session could cure now, so I'll look into that at some point in the near future. The distributor also hasn't been timed up absolutely spot on yet since it was fitted, so that may improve matters as well. (It's a programmable one, so I'll need my laptop to do that and I didn't have it with me)

With my car done, we then went out for a lovely drive in Dave's Mk2 Pi. I've driven this car before around Scotland and it's such a great car in every way. A Triumph saloon should be a lovely smooth drive and this car certainly is. It really is a pleasure to be in. 

With the time now at 3pm, I decided to make a move homewards. I decided on the M1, A14 and then the A1198 towards Godmanchester. This would link me up with the A10 at Royston and I could then head south on the A10 to Hoddesdon and call in and see my Mum for a cup of tea and a catch up.

After a lovely cup of tea and a chat I went to leave, but then my bloody car wouldn't start! The ignition lights were dimming when I tried to crank it and it just wouldn't spin the engine over. Bloody hell!

Luckily, another good friend, Dave Maton doesn't live far away from my Mum's, so after a quick phone call Dave came out in his Morris Minor with his multi-meter and a jump start booster pack. We quickly ascertained that my battery had died a death and after putting his Minor battery on my Triumph it started and burst into life. We then put my dead battery onto his Minor and jump started it. That started as well! Good news. (Dave's Minor engine is only four cylinder and isn't high compression like the Triumph, so the battery didn't need to work as hard.)
With both cars now running, I followed Dave back to his house where he took his Minor battery back and then lent me the bigger battery off of his Triumph so that I could get home.   

I'm lucky having such good friends and it's lovely knowing that they are there when I need them. I had no further issues and I eventually arrived home at 10pm!

Tomorrow's task........ buy a new battery for my Triumph!

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