Tuesday 25 June 2024

Sunday 16th June - Battlesbridge Breakfast meet

 It was a beautiful day again today, although there had been a warning of heavy showers, but I decided to take a chance and head out to this local breakfast meet. 

The green Cortina was the choice for today as it hadn't been out for some time, so I wanted to stretch its legs. It had also had a flat battery recently as well, so a run would fully charge that as well. 

I got there early so that I wouldn't get parked on the boggy part of the field and good friend Gavin had had the same idea and arrived pretty much as soon as I had parked up. 

We had a cup of coffee and sat and watched the other cars start rolling in. There wasn't as many as normal, (I think the threat of rain had put people off) but it was still a good selection. 

Around half past ten, we did have a real heavy downpour which sent everyone running for the beer tent area, but within five minutes it had ceased and we were back to normal. 

By about half eleven, Gavin and I had walked around the other cars about three times and even visited the antique stalls, so we decided to make a move. I like these breakfast meets as nobody minds if you leave early and it gives you the rest of the day to play with. 

The green Cortina was as popular as ever and every time I looked round at it, there were people looking over it. I think it's the colour that draws people.  Plus, from talking to various people since owning it, everybody's Grandad used to have one! I know that my Dad had one, it was a 2 door GT that lost a wheel and ended up in a ditch when we were on our way to visit relatives in Maylandsea! 

Funny what you remember from your childhood isn't it? 😊

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