Saturday 8 June 2024

Bank Holiday Monday 27th May- The new engine's first run out!

 After finishing a few little jobs on the Triumph the two previous days, it was time to take the Triumph on its first run with the new engine installed. 

Gavin had found a car show up near Halstead, which is about 30 miles away, so this would be a decent distance to bed the engine and not to far away to be recovered if need be. (God forbid!-I had enough break-downs last year!)

It was a beautiful sunny day and we had a lovely drive up through the country lanes. It was perfect for the engine with a good mix of single lanes, dual carriageways and town roads as well. All good for running the engine in.

It was a good show and due to the glorious weather, very popular as well. I also met another friend I know through the Mk1 Cortina club who was there with his very early, and very nice 1200cc Mk1 Cortina, (See pic below) so it was good to have a catch up with him as well. (We also used to do banger racing at the same time a good few years back, so we had a catch up on that as well.)

It was a lovely day out, but by early afternoon, grey clouds were starting to make an appearance, so Gavin and me (and a few others) made the decision to make a move. We had a trouble free run home and by the time I had arrived back at mine, I had clocked up 58 miles on the new engine. Only another 442 miles to go then!

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