Sunday 16 June 2024

Tuesday 11th June - Brake repairs!

On discovery of the leaking master cylinder, good friend David Harvey sent me a seal repair kit which luckily arrived very promptly indeed. 

I'd had another issue though in that the fitting on the metal brake pipe that screws into the master cylinder, was also knackered and needed replacing! Luckily, I had a spare one of these, but the brake pipe that had to be removed runs all the way across the bulkhead and into a three way union that is secured to the battery tray on the nearside of the car. So the repair meant removing this brake pipe completely and putting a new fitting on the master cylinder end. 

With this done, I then set about stripping the master cylinder and fitting the new seals. 

This didn't take too long and soon I had the master cylinder refitted to the car. My next job would then have been to bleed all of the air out of the brakes, which I would have done had I not knocked my only bottle of brake fluid all over the garage floor! I then found I was also low on cat litter, so had to shoot down to Tesco's and buy some more so I could soak it all up. 

With no more brake fluid in stock, I then had to call it a night until I could buy some more the next day. 

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